Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Self Portrait Tuesday: I was four once

i_was_four_once, originally uploaded by roxydynamite.

It was nice to find this slide of me looking so happy. I don't remember this day at all. The slide was processed in March 1977, a few months before my fifth birthday. My sister was born in February 1977, so it's quite possible I may look so pleased with myself because I'm a new big sister. I was really into the idea of being a big sister. I longed for a baby brother. My mother told me if she had a boy it would be a Timothy baby and it was a girl it would be a Carey baby. When she told me we had a Carey, I told her to take it back for the Timothy baby. Hey, a girl's shop and exchange instinct starts young. After pouting over my mother's no return policy, I warmed up to my sister back then and we've been tight ever since.
This picture makes me happy.Look at me! I wish I remembered the happy times more vividly than the crummy ones. This photo jogs tiny happy memories. Like standing on the radiator under the window in the background, pretending it was a balcony and I was Juliet calling out for Romeo, played by my cousin, Larry. The living room furniture was orange velvet. The tables were dark wood and ornately carved. My father called it "Spanish bordello" style. I still put my hair in pigtails with the same style of colored ball ponytail holders. I wish I still had those tiny bow earrings. When I got my ears pierced, I jumped so the holes weren't even. I had to wear one earring for a few weeks while the botched hole healed up. I loved that. I ran around pretending I was a pirate. Then I got the ear done properly and was given these bows. When I sleep, I put my hand under my chin like this. One of my top comfort foods is a peanut butter and banana sandwich with a glass of chocolate milk. I definitely remember Elvis dying a few months after this was taken. I wonder if I liked those sandwiches because he did.

Pass the time with other takes on Self Portrait Tuesday.


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