Thursday, December 29, 2005

I really can't say enough about how awesome Christmas weekend was. On Christmas Eve, we did some last minute shopping and wrapping. Then we headed down to Point Pleasant. Cyndemouse and I have made it our tradition to do a Italian feast of the seven fishes for the past five years or so. This year, Sweets got to partake of our tradition along with his first helping of squid tentacles, smelts and cannoli along with all the other tasty offerings. After dinner, we stopped in at our friends' house and caught up, played with their grandson and relaxed. We stayed out so late, on Christmas morning we didn't get up until after 11 am. Sweets and I decided to modify both of our family gift opening traditions and open all of our gifts on Christmas morning. When we sat down to start he asked me to go get the camera and I knew he was going to be happy when he opened the camera I got him. But i played it cool and refered to it as "this little thing" when I handed him the box. He was equally as crafty. Wrapping small boxes in larger ones and surprising me with an ipod which wasn't on my list but I was secretly desiring. The inscription had me in tears, so I'm glad he saved that box for the end. I wouldn't want to look sleepy and snuffly in my Christmas morning photos. He also gave me the idog, which I knew I wanted before I was ever convinced about the ipod. Between Sweets, my family and his family, I received more than I've ever experienced. Whew. Somehow it's embarrassing to have so much. I plan on fully appreciating all my gifts. I'll think of Sweets parents when I make a roast in my new roasting pan, my sister while watching birds at the new window feeder. Sweets will leave a mark all over. Snuggly pjs, an apron from Anthropologie, an Audobon guide, a Lowepro camera backpack. I haven't even mentioned all the booty distributed in the Bad Girl Posse gift exchange. We had dinner with my family and had fun watching the boys vaporize the wrapping paper to get to the gifts. Then it was off to Talulah's for Christmas Bad Girl Style. Again, staying out past 2 am. By Monday I was exhausted from working overtime all week prior to the holiday and staying out late visiting with friends all weekend. I'm just starting to recover. And have time to examine my new goodies. In all seriousness, I told Sweets the week before Christmas that I'd be happy if all the boxes under the tree were filled with shredded paper and for decoration only. Because really, I want for nothing. Love was the one thing I was after. He checked that off my list long ago.


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