From the results of the summer haiku free-for-all, it seems we have had our fill of summer and happily turn our thoughts to fall. Autumn officially arrives at 12:30 pm EST tomorrow. Happy Equinox, peeps.
Without further delay, a selection of the haiku entries. Some writers went haiku mad, sending many. Others claimed poetic stage fright and begged off(tsk, tsk). Here's the most excellent fruits of our labors. Green green green green green green green green green green green green green green green green red GLENN R.
London darkening Daylight becoming scarcer Umbrella ready REBECCA G.
Maybe when it's cold our crazy-ass cat will stop crying to go out MARY Y.
Autumn's here at last: Football and the World Series. Poor sports editors! ERIC S.
private paradise sun, blanket, freshly mown grass his hand on my hip RACHEL F. (moi)
Last day of summer Does not fall on Labor Day And it makes me glad JOANNA H.
in past late summers i long for the end of heat an end to longing BRENT H.
Autumn already? But the weather hasn't changed! How can you be sure? MICHAEL E.
lifetime in cycles the summer's end approaches as does this life part ANDY Z.
bennys have gone home no more banana hammocks! i thank you autumn ANNA J.
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