Tonight I popped into the Blockbuster for my weekly visit. While carefully pondering which titles would amuse me for the week, I came across Hiding Out. I recently read a scathing article in Bust Magazine railing against the "wimpster." John Cryer in his role as Ducky in Pretty in Pink was sited as a notable wimpster along with John Cusack as Lloyd Dobler in Say Anything. As I looked at the box for Hiding Out, I had fond memories of Ducky, Lloyd and Maxwell Hauser from Hiding Out, all being prime examples of the kind of guy I was looking for in high school. After an undisclosed amount of years since my formative years, dare I say those boys still make my heart skip a beat. I'm sorry that Rachel Elder, the author of the article What Up, Wimpster?had a bad experience with a spotty hipster but sister, watch what you say about my boy, Lloyd Dobler, cause I'll have to cut you if you take it too far. Perhaps Elder's never had a lad reduced to shivers from her skills and that makes her sour. Bet she's never been had at hello either.
I found it curious that Bust would publish such a mean spirited article. More curious than that is twelve pages prior to the article, they're pushing a t-shirt with a Lloyd Dobler silkscreen in the Looks column. I think I'll buy one and embellish it with "I love wimpsters" with a sharpie. I bet that'll make me more popular with the disenfranchised males than the I Love Nerds t-shirt I already own that gets more conversations started than any other ironic hipster article of clothing I own. There are evidently tons of guys out there that identify with the nerd clasification and want to tap into or rather tap the molassy sassy enough to see their hidden potential.
Nerds are the best. They're smart, funny, passionate, focused, curious, sensitive. What's not to love? I am over here giving it up for the nerds of the universe. Rock on with your nerdy selves.
The point of this story was really meant to be that, when I came home with my movies, I decided to check HBO first to see if Entourage would be on anytime soon since I keep missing it. Guess what? Hiding Out (which I did not rent) had just started on tv. How funny is that? I watched most of it, missing a bigish chunk in the middle when Dope called me with an update from Portland. By the time I got off the phone, it was time to vote for class president and a scuffle with a hitman. I forgot Max ends up with Ryan at the end during her freshman year at college. Now that in itself is an interesting ending. Did that raise any eyebrows when the film came out? Finding love is obviously the desired outcome in a film or life for that matter. How come Drew Barrymore ends up with age appropriate teacher guy in Never Been Kissed and good old Maxwell got to do the college thing ...and the college girls again. Somebody get Hollywood on the phone, I've got a story to sell them. Believe me, at the end the girls have alot more fun.
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