Monday, December 20, 2004

The Best Quotes of 2004: On my I Love Nerds t-shirt...... "You always did like things that no one else cares about."-Grams On getting married.... "If you want to find a husband; you won't find one in nightclubs and bars. Go to places where rich men go. Airports and yacht clubs." - Aunt Frida (whose husband, incidentally is a very rich man.) "Here's what you do...You lose alot of weight and fool someone into marrying you. Then you can let yourself go again." - The Authority Figure Possibly the most romantic thing said to me all year... "I can't promise we'll get married... but if you come to California we can be miserable together." - ME "Wow! You've got some gag reflex."- Some insensitive dental hygenist On my feminine wiles... "You're this perfect combination of sexy and clumsy."- The Young Lover "Since when have YOU let a MAN tell you what to do?"-Cyndemouse A good haircut makes all the difference... "Who are you? Rachel? You don't LOOK like Rachel. You look AWESOME."- A drunken colleague during re-introductions


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