Thursday, December 02, 2004

I don't think I've ever uttered this phrase here on my blog. Today, I had an awesome day. Everything just seemed to go right. My presentation was well received. In fact, they liked the idea so much they want to double the amount of time to commit to running it. My horoscope said I would have success speaking today. After this is over, I think Mastermind should be added to my job title. Or at least on my new business card. How about it? ME called me on his way home from a business trip in San Diego. An hour and a half quickly disappeared. We are hatching a plan for a trip to India or Vietnam or something fab like that for 2005. Travel plans make me giddy. As does ME. Een when he is showing off and stumping me with Latin phrases. We took Latin a looong time ago and yet he can still conjugate like a gladiator.


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